Sunday, 9 February 2025

Red Metal


This is a bit of a side project that I have been working on for some months, if not years. The mission is to use OHW as a basis for a period specific set of rules. These will be hex based and use 6mm models. The main idea is to use the OHW scenarios and force generation method but use a slightly more sophisticated set of rules.

The time and place is Russia 1943. I wanted a bit of a Panzer Blitz feel with less units and a smaller play area. I also want a simple activation mechanism with a single die roll combat resolution. We will see how successful I am shortly!

I have nearly completed units in 6mm for both sides with all of the army options. However, I really want to test the rules out using counters and a hex map as this will be quicker. Some of you may recognise the map above as OHW scenario 5. Using 4" per hex, the 9 by 9 grid is equivalent to the OHW 3ft square. Sample counters:

Events have a habit of happening, hence the lack of activity on the blog in recent times, but I'm aiming to test it out and report back with a copy of the inevitably revised rules soonish! 


  1. Good luck with your project. A 9x9 hex grid is where I went with my OHW WW2 variant, it maps well onto the scenarios in the book but gives surprising amounts of scope for manouvre. I'm afraid I ended up with multiple dice for combat though.

    1. Hi Martin, I have been following your adventures closely. Yes, I think 9 by 9 is the magic number. This is a change from an earlier attempt so hope the range and movement numbers don't need recalibrating!

  2. Really looking forward to this one! Let me know if you need play testers! 😀

    1. I'll publish the rules shortly (with map and counters) so will be very interested to hear what you think!

  3. Good to see you posting again and good luck with the revised rules.

    1. Thanks Peter, nice to be posting again and very pleased to hear from you.

  4. This looks very interesting indeed! Looking forward to seeing more.
