Tuesday 19 May 2020

Indoors update 2

I'll come back to this later but these guys may be Cubans.....

Although I find myself in the garden quite a bit recently, there is always indoors stuff to do. Some of my indoors time has, I like to think, been wisely invested in some of my favourite blogs.

Not in any particular order, we have:

Alex and Grant of TPA pondering Nevsky
The Payer's Aid  This is a must view site for anyone interested in board wargames of any sort. Alex and Grant have a prolific output of reviews and unboxings. They are well informed, engaging and a pleasure to watch. Also, plenty of back catalogue if you need an excuse to do some serious research.

Othais says howdy!
C&Rsenal As a wargamer I have a passing interest in weapons. I also have a well developed fear of firearms but do enjoy the history and mechanics. This channel is presented by  a nice chap called Othais. This guy is a real expert, he knows his stuff and his videos roll along at a fast rate of knots. Excellent mechanicals as well as some live shooting. I love the sound of a Lewis gun in the morning, it sounds like victory! I really can't recommend this more highly.

Tigers at Minsk - West front scenario
Battlefields and Warriors  Norm's blog covers a lot of ground, from AARs of cool games (such as the Hexasim games on Ligny and Quatre Bras), to small scale figure battles and, of course, Norm's own rules such as TaM. I have some real favourites such as Norm's excellent comparative reviews of tactical systems. Norm's posts are well written and comprehensive and well worth sitting down with a beer to read.

North Africa scenario
Grid based but not always Peter's blog continues to impress me. He is currently running a WW2 North Africa campaign using his own version of Tank on Tank rules and some excellent campaign rules. 

FOO Afghanistan
The Company Leader: Leadership Lessons from the Tactical Level of War. A serious blog feeding back a lot of real life military learning from the various US training centres. Highly recommended, especially for their Tactical Decision Games (TDGs). Some of the articles are well worth wargamers taking notice of, in particular, sustainment of advancing forces and maintaining vehicles in a combat environment. 

BTW the picture of Cuban soldiers not enjoying their morning run is a clue to one of my side projects......a little painting exercise.

Monday 4 May 2020

Indoors update 1

Hi folks, a quick update on indoor stuff!

Just after my last post I got the lurgy. Luckily it was fairly mild, the physical side wore off quickly but it does leave you rather tired. The the rest of the family had it, again very mild so we are now all fit and well but staying indoors as per instructions.

I have noticed from other's Blog posts that there is a general torpor about. I'm feeling the same. I am trying to get some stuff done but everything seems to take three times as long as usual. 

Latest project is to re-purpose and repaint some A&A Miniatures French tanks for Brutal Simplicity. Here is the evidence, a B1, an S25 and a Panhard 178. Actually quite nice models (of around 10-12mm) spoiled by my heavy handed painting. However, now very usable for my own purposes!

I'll try and get back to normal by doing some more quick short posts this week.

Lovely to see other's blogs at the moment, a great way to stay engaged!

Note to self: French tank colours - 894 Cam Olive Green (too dark), 977 Desert Yellow (just right), 874 Tan Earth (OK but dark after wash), 819 Iraqi Sand (my usual tank dry brush). Next time try layers including cream and blue, you know it makes sense!).