Thursday 31 December 2020

When did WWIII start?


Happy winter greetings from the SAM 2 crew!

Never, perhaps, in the post-war decades has the situation in the world been as explosive and, hence, more difficult and unfavourable as in the first half of the 1980's.

 Mikhail Gorbachev February 1986

It is perfectly feasible to play a WWIII wargame, of any type, predicated on any number of start dates. Which date would you choose?

According to GDW’s Team Yankee, it was 1987. Battlegroup NORTHAG says 1983. Seven Days to the Rhine aims simply at the 1980s. Interestingly, The Red Effect by Harvey Black says 1984. Are any of these dates more likely than others and does it actually matter?

For most people I imagine, it doesn’t actually matter. Pick the rules you like and use the kit you fancy. If you want to use Conquerors to blow T-10s to molten slag, the answer is to come up with a rules set that covers these vehicles and figure out as much of a narrative as you need to set the scene.

For me, I like to play a game in which both sides have a believable narrative as to why they are fighting. The “historical” start date then sets the conditions in terms of force strengths, equipment types etc. The date is key for me because I’m writing my own rules and need to have an envelope for the kit and the tactics. The rules will cover only what is necessary and I will only need to find the specific models for the game. That keeps it simple all round and stops me going off at unnecessary tangents.

Warsaw Pact hat competition, Hungary wins!

I think 1984 is probably the last date at which a genuine WWIII could have broken out in Europe, but also probably the most likely. Could it have occurred earlier? Yes, certainly. There were many periods of extreme tension, starting with the Berlin Blockade in 1948, which could have sparked a war in Europe.  However, 1984 represents the culmination of a number of developments which pushed the possibility of conflict right up the scale.

The drivers for a conflict in 1984 are, as I see them, as follows:

  • Nearly a decade of competitive developments in weaponry (attack helicopters, new generation tanks) and in operational thinking (air/land battle and operational manoeuvre groups);
  • Strategic pressures brought about by Reagan’s election in 1980 and the possibility that his Star Wars project might provide a defensive shield behind which the US could launch a first strike;
  • Increasingly large and realistic exercises by NATO and Warsaw Pact (WP) which, even if not deliberately provocative, served to give that impression;
  • Stress and instability within the Soviet leadership structure due to Brezhnev’s death in 1982 and his replacement by, first, Andropov, and second, Chernenko.

Effectively, Reagan started the war threat rolling in 1980 and cranked it up with Star Wars. Andropov, KGB Chairman in 1981, responded with a massive project to obtain early warning of a US first strike (Op. RYaN) and this response continued when he took over following Brezhnev’s demise.

Here we come, ready or not!

What pushed things to the brink of war was the 1983 NATO exercise season. Although often referred to as Able Archer 83, that exercise was only a small part of a series of exercises under Autumn Forge 83. These started in September and ran through to November 1983. Able Archer was the final component. Autumn Forge was a massive exercise involving a full test of the reinforcement plan for NATO (Reforger 83) and also extensive planning of B52 “strikes” including the transmission of nuclear codes.

From a Soviet point of view, this was a close to NATO war preparations as they had ever seen. There is the possibility. therefore, that a Soviet pre-emptive strike could have been put in place for 1984 for use if the threat of a US/NATO strike was detected. This would have a been a standing start attack into West Germany with a view to disrupting the attack on the WP but with the advantage that it would shift the Iron Curtain further west and make far more difficult for NATO in future.

All of this would, of course, totally ignore the possibility of nuclear and chemical exchanges, the scale of military and civilian casualties and the long term damage to the countries involved. Luckily for us, this did not happen, phew!

So, what does this all this hot air mean then? Deep thinking on WWIII tactical OHW (possibly called Red Effect: Tactical). More the meantime, Happy New Year!

Monday 28 December 2020

Interesting stuff for Christmas!


Condiments of the season! Hopefully things are well with you all. 

I have been very unproductive in the last few months so, in lieu of anything new from me just at the moment, I present some interesting, and free, stuff for your entertainment. 

Les Guerres Picrocholines A small game from Nuts!, and one I have had my eye on for a long while. Based on the famous adventures of Gargantua and friends by François Rabelais (1534). Nuts! have this up as a free print and play here.

Punched magazine A new on-line wargames magazine with a game in it(!). The first edition is here. The game is Gravelotte 1870, an interesting little rock, scissors, paper game. One that looks like it could be very adaptable to other times and theatres. Invading Russia 1941 perhaps? Well worth checking out.

Able Archer I have been remiss in picking up the Rapid Fire Reloaded rules, on the list for next year. However, I have been tinkering with an interesting RF adaptation covering the cold war. You can find these rules on the Free Wargames Rules website here. Able Archer is a subject I intend to return to in the spring.

Peter's WSS rules Last but not least, Peter has published his draft WSS rules, a bit hidden away here. Brilliant!

Back in the New Year.

Thursday 29 October 2020

What did you do in the Third World War Dad?


2017 story in the Independent, plus ca change

Well children, there wasn't just one WWIII there were loads! I remember the first one well. It was 1962 and I can recall them testing the nuclear raid warning sirens. There was a big one outside the Trebor factory. I can't think there was any point to them as the idea was that you would be dead in four minutes which isn't much time even to finish lunch. We won that one, the Russians lost and the Cubans have been made to stay at home for nearly 60 years.

The next WWIII was in 1965 but it was very secret. They made a documentary about it and, apparently, we pretty much all died. Because it was secret no-one really noticed until 1985 when we all seemed to be OK again.

There was a rumour in 1975 that the Russians had nuked Wurzburg but this was only a game. As were Red Star/White Star, NATO, WWIII, Next War, Fulda Gap, Mech War '77 and Firefight. By the time they got to NATO Divisional Commander most people were shell-shocked and needed a rest. Public Information films didn't provide any comfort!

We then had another two pretend WWIIIs made up by the military to get more funding by frightening the citizens. First, in 1978, Sir John Hackett described the future war that would break out in 1985. Then in 1979 Shelford Bidwell made the case for more cash in World War 3.

In 1983 the NATO big boys played a wargame called Able Archer. Unfortunately, the Russians, being a totalitarian criminal enterprise, didn't have a sense of humour. Luckily, the war was another pretend one but only because two officers, one Russian and one American, took morally sound decisions. Unfortunately, no-one made a documentary about this because nothing went bang!

Well pleased that WWIII was over we had another documentary in 1984 about when they nuked Sheffield which most people thought was a great idea.

The final WWIIIs took place in the 1980s. These seem to be the basis for most current WWIII themed scenarios and games and follow on from the Able Archer turmoil. 

The best of these books are:

First Clash by Kenneth Macksey and written as a training guide fo the Canadian Army, featuring the 4th Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group fighting off a Soviet attack in the summer of 1984.

Team Yankee
was written in 1987 and probably sets the story in a similar time period. An excellent book and good game from GDW.

Red Thrust by Steven Zaloga is interesting because it describes a number of scenarios on the southern part of the Central front which provide a basis for analysing and evaluating Soviet capabilities. Although the war is nationally set in 1993, started by East German disturbances and starting a conflict over Berlin, the descriptions are equally valid for earlier in the 1980s, although the book itself was written n 1989. This shortly before official end of WWIII between 1989 and 1991 depending on your perspective.

Tank War: Central Front, also by Steven Zaloga, was published by Osprey in 1989 and, for my money, is a great place to start on WWIII gaming.

The big problem was that some people decided that having won WWIII there wouldn't be any more history and liberal democracy was the new defacto world governmental model. Frances Fukuyama was possibly ill advised to adopt this position since we have had lots of history since then, mostly not very entertaining. Liberal democracy looks to be an endangered species just now, who's up for a game of Dixie?

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Periscope up, prepare to surface!

Blowing main ballast tanks here to come up for air and recharge batteries! The COVID/Brexit morass just doesn't go away.

Anyway, reason number one for posting just now is the above nice video from Diagonal Move about my Ramadi game. Good enough for any occasion.

Reason number two is that I am old enough and ugly enough to recognise my own faults, including being too quick to reach a judgment. I'm not yet at the point of revisiting Battlegroup NORTHAG, although I certainly will, but just to say that I have just finished reading Red Effect by Harvey Black. A book I had initially cast aside after 30 pages. 

My initial thoughts were that the characters were typical cardboard and the story moved at the pace of something very slow. I have given it a second go and have to say that, by the end, I was very much taken with the his approach and the technical detail.

It reminded me of both Red Thrust by Steven Zaloga and First Clash by Kenneth Macksey. Both of these books are professional military analyses. Ken's book was, of course, produced as training material for the Canadian Army. Both of these books have some cardboard in them but the technical detail is excellent. I'd put Harvey's book in the same league but with it actually being a lot more exciting on the action elements. I'll be asking for the next two volumes in the trilogy for my birthday.

Time to dive, dive, dive! Hopefully will surface again before Christmas.

Sunday 30 August 2020

Simple Wargames are Go!


While dealing with Covid 19 issues and preparing for the Brexit Omnishambles at work, I have been quietly getting on with Stout Hearts. It is going well, fingers crossed! Here is the current map, on the M44 editor, my preferred design tool. This will be a simple game but simple games are hard to design.

I am very pleased therefore that Disgruntled Fusilier at Sound Officers Call has been running a series of tests on simple games and evaluating them against standard criteria. The latest tests have been of DF's own EAGLES CHEAPER THAN BRAIN CELLS.

What has really interested me is the AARs. You can tell from the way the games have played that there are some really interesting features here. I have been really impressed with the way that the rules produce a cracking back and forth battle for control of terrain as seen here.

It is rare that I get excited about stuff but, as with some of the rules produced by Norm and Peter, I think DF has got something special. Key features are:

  • Orders issued to units at start of each turn, based on 1d6 die roll.
  • For units in contact, orders cost double.
  • A general is available for every six units, who can order troops directly and aid combat etc.
  • Initiative is only decided after orders are issued!
  • Although the initiative is tested each turn, the reacting player needs to score more than 2 more than the active player to take it over.
The reason for my excitement is that this fits really well with OHW and has loads of options, including the influence of the general on orders and initiative.

I'm still mulling over the other interesting features of the rules including the firing and assault rules. Lots to consider here and, judging by the AARs, these rules produce a great game. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Indoors update 4

Follow that, er, sort of T34!

Well, are they Cubans? Well they are now! Previously Imex North Koreans, these chaps are now my generic OPFOR for Latin America, Africa and, possibly, parts of the Middle East. I just need some chaps with RPGs. T34 cunningly disguised as a T34! Bases not yet finished.

Obviously an NCO

Nice to see Simplicity in Practice being given a workout by Mr M J Tar here and here.

Also the concluding episode of Waterloo a la Carte by Mr Crook here.

Despite being indoors still, it appears to be all go!

Monday 1 June 2020

Indoors update 3

These guys may be Cubans as well! To give the game away slightly, I'm working up a generic Opfor for 1950 through, probably, to 2000. I'm really happy with progress but I'm a slow painter, so pictures next time.

In this week's news.......

Yaah Magazine 8 with Race to the Sea by Herman Luttman. Get it for free here.

Remember Fistful of Lead? Well, its bigger brother is now here. Well worth £5.66!

During the Covid period I have bought virtually no hobby stuff. One of the things I did invest in was the Fistful of Lead Core Rule book, again, just over a fiver. Excellent value for money. A simple system with plenty of scope for hacking, lists for anything from Ancient Greece through to today and all in 56 pages. Nice.

The other thing I invested in was PSC's Northag. For £20 you get a hundred pages covering what appears to be a very simple system. I'm reserving judgement but my concern is around blue text on blue coloured pages. At my age I'm finding it difficult to read stuff and if they make it really difficult I won't bother. Having said that, I'll give it a cooler look in a few day's time.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Indoors update 2

I'll come back to this later but these guys may be Cubans.....

Although I find myself in the garden quite a bit recently, there is always indoors stuff to do. Some of my indoors time has, I like to think, been wisely invested in some of my favourite blogs.

Not in any particular order, we have:

Alex and Grant of TPA pondering Nevsky
The Payer's Aid  This is a must view site for anyone interested in board wargames of any sort. Alex and Grant have a prolific output of reviews and unboxings. They are well informed, engaging and a pleasure to watch. Also, plenty of back catalogue if you need an excuse to do some serious research.

Othais says howdy!
C&Rsenal As a wargamer I have a passing interest in weapons. I also have a well developed fear of firearms but do enjoy the history and mechanics. This channel is presented by  a nice chap called Othais. This guy is a real expert, he knows his stuff and his videos roll along at a fast rate of knots. Excellent mechanicals as well as some live shooting. I love the sound of a Lewis gun in the morning, it sounds like victory! I really can't recommend this more highly.

Tigers at Minsk - West front scenario
Battlefields and Warriors  Norm's blog covers a lot of ground, from AARs of cool games (such as the Hexasim games on Ligny and Quatre Bras), to small scale figure battles and, of course, Norm's own rules such as TaM. I have some real favourites such as Norm's excellent comparative reviews of tactical systems. Norm's posts are well written and comprehensive and well worth sitting down with a beer to read.

North Africa scenario
Grid based but not always Peter's blog continues to impress me. He is currently running a WW2 North Africa campaign using his own version of Tank on Tank rules and some excellent campaign rules. 

FOO Afghanistan
The Company Leader: Leadership Lessons from the Tactical Level of War. A serious blog feeding back a lot of real life military learning from the various US training centres. Highly recommended, especially for their Tactical Decision Games (TDGs). Some of the articles are well worth wargamers taking notice of, in particular, sustainment of advancing forces and maintaining vehicles in a combat environment. 

BTW the picture of Cuban soldiers not enjoying their morning run is a clue to one of my side projects......a little painting exercise.

Monday 4 May 2020

Indoors update 1

Hi folks, a quick update on indoor stuff!

Just after my last post I got the lurgy. Luckily it was fairly mild, the physical side wore off quickly but it does leave you rather tired. The the rest of the family had it, again very mild so we are now all fit and well but staying indoors as per instructions.

I have noticed from other's Blog posts that there is a general torpor about. I'm feeling the same. I am trying to get some stuff done but everything seems to take three times as long as usual. 

Latest project is to re-purpose and repaint some A&A Miniatures French tanks for Brutal Simplicity. Here is the evidence, a B1, an S25 and a Panhard 178. Actually quite nice models (of around 10-12mm) spoiled by my heavy handed painting. However, now very usable for my own purposes!

I'll try and get back to normal by doing some more quick short posts this week.

Lovely to see other's blogs at the moment, a great way to stay engaged!

Note to self: French tank colours - 894 Cam Olive Green (too dark), 977 Desert Yellow (just right), 874 Tan Earth (OK but dark after wash), 819 Iraqi Sand (my usual tank dry brush). Next time try layers including cream and blue, you know it makes sense!). 

Friday 20 March 2020

No exit strategy? Check out free stuff!

Well, OK, this bit is not yet ready but will be soon and will also be free! First scenario draft map for Brutal Simplicity 1940. Possibly "Not like a Stonne-Wall!". Based on OHW 18 but is being modified somewhat.

The real free stuff below illustrates that there is no such thing as a wargames industry, just wargamers who like wargames and are happy to give stuff away to cheer people up. The evidence is as follows:

1. Free C3i mag (#25) including Battle for Moscow game by Frank Chadwick! If you don't have this it is well worth it.

2. Free Yaah! mag (#8) including Race to the Sea 1914 game. Announced by Flying Pig but not as yet available from Wargames Vault.

3. Free Nordic Weasel game: Five Men at Kursk, be quick it ends today (US time). Nice game!!

4. Free Instant Thunder: An air game which looks like a simpler version of Wing Leader! The virtues of this game have been extolled by Kaptain Kobbold so look out for it here.

If the pressures of the day are causing stress and consternation, take some pleasure if you can from the following:

Bob Cordery has published this picture (and others) of his Portable Wargame as implemented by other people. This is a brilliant 54mm adaptation by Mike Lewis. Lovely, reminds me of Clive Lane's 20mm hex grid game.

Peter has started a new North Africa campaign which looks fantastic!

Disgruntled Fusilier is busy adapting Neil Thomas' Introduction to Wargaming WWII rules in an interesting manner.

And finally, PSC's Battlegroup Northag has hit the glossies this month so expect more action shortly (it was due to be released at Salute but this is now postponed so at some stage soon).

None of this makes up for Boris telling us that our loved ones are going to die but you have to take comfort where you can. Good luck to all!

Thursday 5 March 2020

Brutal simplicity

Bonjour, the above pic is a clue to current lines of thinking. France 1940 in fact.

I have been going round in circles with some ideas about bringing Simplicity in Practice into the 20th century. Unfortunately, I started at the very difficult end (Cold War). Not that I have given up on that subject area. In fact I intend to return to it shortly using a bigger map and more units than in the OHW scenarios I have been using for Simplicity.

Dropping down the complexity levels I have arrived in 1940 France. Interesting tanks (Char B1 bis in fact), great texture and difference between units (French Colonials, Foreign Legion etc) and opposing sides that have individual characteristics which lend themselves to some game type exaggeration.

Starting design parameters:

  • Interactive player phases during each game turn with a really simple initiative mechanism
  • Actions driven by initiative rating
  • Units have one action per turn
  • Combat is addressed by one die roll
  • Scenarios taken from OHW using six by six hex maps
  • Forces limited to six units per side
  • Must be capable of being played with counters as well as on a table with models
To ensure this is really brutally simple we will be using crude measures for combat statistics:
  • Armour rating based on hull front max: 30mm or less = 0, 31-59 = 1, 60 and over = 2
  • Speed rating: 14 hp/mt or less = 1, 15 hp/mt and above = 2
  • Combat numbers to be based on maximum penetration at 400m for hard targets
Lots to do but I'm hoping it will give a good game with some historical flavour.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Out now!

Well, it is out at last and very pleased I am with the final product. If you are not familiar with Yaah! it is an 80 page magazine with a game in it. The production is very art magazine (think Wallpaper). Nice texture and layout. Plenty of articles on board wargames by some reputable authors (John D Burtt and Arrigo Velicogna to name but two). 

I'm also very pleased with the final version of the game. Very nice components and excellent genuine 1" counters.......

More at BGG and Flying Pig Games. You can get the analogue version from Flying PIg (and probably Second Chance Games) for $40 and from Wargames Vault for a remarkable £11.53. If anyone is worried about the print and lay option, it is very doable and all of the design and play testing was done using pnp materials. 

My grateful thanks to the guys at the Pig for such a great presentation: Mark Walker, publisher, Art Bennett, developer, and Ilya Kudriashov, art. A pleasure working with them.

I have noticed that I missed blogging for a whole month. Like many others I blame the flu and Brexit. Hopefully things will settle down shortly.