A blog about all of the stuff I write on the backs of envelopes and never get round to finishing.......yet!
Monday, 3 March 2025
Red Metal: Nearly there...
I have managed further work on the rules, lots of tidying up and simplifications. I have now completed the counters for the play test. The pic above is a test shot before I print onto labels. They are just about OK for size, although I have lost a bit of definition. Fine for a trial version. Aha, just noticed in the pic that I have some small errors to correct on the counters. It always pays to try things out first!
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Red Metal
This is a bit of a side project that I have been working on for some months, if not years. The mission is to use OHW as a basis for a period specific set of rules. These will be hex based and use 6mm models. The main idea is to use the OHW scenarios and force generation method but use a slightly more sophisticated set of rules.
The time and place is Russia 1943. I wanted a bit of a Panzer Blitz feel with less units and a smaller play area. I also want a simple activation mechanism with a single die roll combat resolution. We will see how successful I am shortly!
I have nearly completed units in 6mm for both sides with all of the army options. However, I really want to test the rules out using counters and a hex map as this will be quicker. Some of you may recognise the map above as OHW scenario 5. Using 4" per hex, the 9 by 9 grid is equivalent to the OHW 3ft square. Sample counters:
Events have a habit of happening, hence the lack of activity on the blog in recent times, but I'm aiming to test it out and report back with a copy of the inevitably revised rules soonish!