1/72 that is!
With my pocket money the other week I picked up a Zvezda Flak 38 gun and crew. I bought it because I liked it. I have assembled it and painted it for Normandy as I may do a version of "Song of...Bullets and Bombs" in 1/72.My painting is very poor but I was pleased with how these came out. Just for the record, I have decided to use Vallejo 830 German Uniform for the er... uniforms. This was after trying Russian Uniform as had been suggested somewhere in the interweb. It looked plain wrong. I have also discovered my favourite Dunkelgelb. I used 914 Green Ochre. It looked great especially with a wash of Gryphone Sepia. A really good base colour for 15mm tanks.
By the way, I got some great feedback from Brian Train on the Ramadi game (see the game page and Brian's own blog). Remember, this is THE Brian Train of "A Distant Plain" fame! I'm very encouraged so I'm now off to Fallujah!