Free Rules and Games

Saturday 19 September 2015

Civil War in Midsomer...

Not another project!

I have been following Kaptain Kobold's adventures with the OHW rules. In particular, I was very taken by his GNW rules modifications. He is now at it again with a similar exercise with the ECW using paper soldiers from Junior General. I have to say I think this is great.  

When I was younger (so much younger than today...) I remember buying 1644. These were interesting rules, well illustrated (by the Perry's I think), and they had a nice campaign map featuring the county of Scruttockshire. This has featured in my thoughts over the years and I'd love to have a go at a campaign in this sort of fictional area. Max Foy's recent campaign also filled me with enthusiasm. 

What is interesting is that Kaptain Kobold has set his one of battles in the very fictional county of Midsomer. Home to that bloke who used to be on Bergerac! Very nice idea which I will pursue further, especially when the Kaptain publishes his revised version of the rules.

In the meantime I have been hunting down a map of Midsomer and found this, which I also think is great!

Time for some scenario plotting I think.


  1. Jay - you know I shall be keeping a watchful eye open for developments here - very interesting...

    Mention of the Junior General paper soldiers reminded that I have long had a very soft spot for the paper soldiers and scenery produced for the ECW by Billy Bones Workshop - they look like contemporary engravings - my fondness for them did not extend as far as using them for anything, of course, but I thought they were terrific.

    This evening I looked them up at

    and was alarmed to note that the website seems to be resting - nothing to look at.

    Not sure why I mentioned this, now I come to think of it, but increasingly I find that the judgement buffer between thinking of something and typing it doesn't work as well as it used to.

    Anyway - I'll be watching...


  2. A map! My goodness, that's taking things seriously :)

    I'm glad you've been enjoying my accounts, and I will be posting the rules one day, I promise.

    In addition I haven't just been inspired by Midsomer in my accounts; another TV series has crept in there as well. We seem to get a lot of UK crime dramas over here on the ABC, sometimes less than ten years after they were first shown in blighty :-)

  3. Hi Kaptain, At that rate you'll be watching Z Cars quite soon then! I have another map to post of the area around Ambridge. This is really interesting because it shows the location of a little known battle from 1642 just down the road. I'm not sure that makes the Archers interesting but its a nice place for a battle. Cheers

  4. Hi Tony, Funnily enough I did the same thing and found the Billy Bones site asleep. I have also checked and found that his stuff is not on Wargames Vault any more. Hopefully this is an intermission because I still want to get his Scots ECW troops which look great.
    I'm having a major problem at the moment finding time to spend on these things. I just hope to get enough stuff written down that I can return in future and take them forward! All the best. Jay
