Free Rules and Games

Sunday 20 September 2015

Civil War in Borsetshire

A neighboring fictional county!

After visiting the county of Midsomer (the real life Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire), I wondered about Borsetshire (Warwickshire and Worcestershire) which, in real life, is contiguous with Midsomer. The BBC website offers up a couple of nice maps.

Then there is this one which reveals a little known battle in 1642 near Ambridge.

Ambridge, a good target for a Royalist Chevauche! Stuff the Archers I say.

Update 22 September: Kaptain Kobold has kindly pointed me in the direction of the following really interesting blog which covers scenarios from the ECW in Borsetshire. Here is the true story of the battle at Ambridge in 1642. Anyone would think that its a real place!


  1. The first map is quite nice and would make an interesting scenario map.

  2. I think its great and I'm beginning to wonder if the supposed battle at Ambridge is Powick Bridge. Geographically that would make a lot of sense. A good scenario for the Perfect Captain's Very Civile Actions!. Cheers Jay

  3. This blog has a whole narrative campaign set in and around Borsetshire.

    The link should take you to a collection of all of the relevant posts.

  4. Thanks Kaptain, Totally brilliant and it saves me a job as well. Cheers

