Free Rules and Games

Saturday 14 June 2014

To him Pudel!

Aberdeen scenario for Venture Fair

I now have two things, a headache and the greatest respect for designers who make things look nice! 

I have made great progress with the Venture Fair rules, however, while they are drafted they are not yet crafted. The rules themselves need some more work but this can only be done by some hard play testing. Hence the work today on getting the scenarios into some shape to play.

So, here is the first one.....Aberdeen.

I have been desperately trying to get the information into a one page scenario brief. When I think about the amount of information the Flames of War people get into their books, guff or not, I'm ashamed that my effort looks pretty rough. See the evidence for (I gratefully acknowledge that the map graphics etc belong to Days of Wonder).

I'm hoping that Father's Day will involve my children completely ignoring me as usual so I can crack on with the other scenarios. 

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