Free Rules and Games

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Hurrah, I've done something new!

I've backed a game on Kickstarter....

So, not that new for many folks but one for the diary for me. As well as the pleasure of doing something different I'm quite excited.

This is Worthington's new game, Scotland Rising: The Battle of Bannockburn 1314. Having just been to the Bannockburn Battlefield Centre I have developed a great interest in this game and am very much looking forward to playing it. 

You might ask, why not wait until it is released over here, surely the postage alone will make it unattractive? Well, yes you do pay for the privilege of living outside the US, $27 to be precise. However, this is a mere bagatelle given that the stretch goals are included in the basic pledge ($45) level. Subject to funding, this includes a hard mounted map board and two additional games, Falkirk and Stirling bridge. 

As to "attractive", the whole package looks great.

Worthington also now produce presentations for their games badged as "learn to play in five minutes". The link for this one is here. The game is due in August, just in time for a game with the wife before the big vote!

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