Free Rules and Games

Sunday 16 June 2019

Next project.......


BTR60 and BRDM2

Some pictures of recently acquired 10mm Cold War vehicles from Butlers Printed Models. Very nice, if I say so myself! I did screw up the varnishing, lesson learnt for the future!

One of the big advantages of printed vehicles is cost, a T64 from BPM comes in at £2.75 against £4.50 for Cold War (resin) or Minifigs (metal) examples. 

I'm planning to cover US and Soviet forces, vehicles from BPM and troops from Cold War (Timecast). I may change my plans when PSC get underway with NORTHAG in 10mm though.

I have also been tampering with :

Nice to see this stirring up lots of interest.


  1. Jay, I think 10mm is the ideal scale for this subject and with Timecast and pendraken covering it and PSC committed to it, there is going to be a lot of support. I picked up Seven Days yesterday and really like the presentation, but was a bit dismayed at stat errors when I downloaded the errata file from the great escape site

  2. Hi Norm,

    Yes I was a bit surprised today when I found the errata! I have had the rules a couple of weeks (and Iron Cross) and they look very promising. I think this will be a nice project for the summer (when it stops raining).


  3. Aha. Funny you should say that...we played our first game yesterday (with Skytrex 10mm - see blog for post). A VERY interesting set of rules.

  4. Hi Duc,

    I did see your post, great looking game. Really interesting to see how it plays.


