Free Rules and Games

Tuesday 16 April 2019

A (very) small diversion.....

I'm currently suffering from an abscess so my ability to do anything game related at the moment is very much limited. However, I have dug out a very old project and, having re-read it and made a couple of tweaks, it is ready to go.

So, here is Simplicity in Hexes, an adaptation of Neil Thomas' Simplicity in Practice rules for use with his One-Hour Wargames scenarios. It is still subject to some further tweaking but views and comments most welcome as always.  


  1. Jay, that all looks fine. The 6" to one hex for a 6 x 6 grid is the ideal formula for his game. I did wonder whether the leader effect might transpire to be a little strong.

  2. Hi Norm,

    My thinking about leaders was that it is nice to have them but you don't want them having an undue influence, especially in a very small game. I think this is the least you can do with leaders and might be quite interesting. Play testing will show whether this works or not!



  3. Hi Nobby,

    Thanks for your comment, I published it but it has disappeared into the sausage machine, so here it is:

    "Thanks for posting this. I like hex grids and the OHW rule sets and although I am not a H&M player these are very interesting. I mainly play his Machine Age rules and intend to use OHW when I go back to medieval. on Simplicity in Hexes
    nobby on 17/04/19"

    This raises the interesting question in my mind as to how much tweaking it would need to make SIH suitable for the other periods covered by OHW. I think that could keep me occupied for a while!



  4. What a fun-looking set of rules! I missed this when it was originally posted, but have been wprking back through your posts on the games and campaign. Thrilled to see I get an inspiration credit at the end as well!

  5. I really like the look of these rules. But I have some questions:

    If I move a unit adjacent to an enemy unit, is it automatically assumed that I've charged? Or can I sit tight and opt to shoot when eligible.

    Also I'm guessing that a unit unable to charge an enemy that finds itself adjacent to such an enemy can still shoot at them.

    If a unit is obliged to retreat but can't, what happens?

    Finally, it says that Light Infantry can interpenetrate friendly units. But with a move of only 1 hex it can't do this without exceeding its movement allowance. So how is this possible?

    Many thanks.

  6. Hi Kaptain,

    Good questions, thanks for asking them. I'll respond in a further post so they don't get lost.

    Very pleased that you gave the rules a go and I very much enjoyed your post!


