Free Rules and Games

Sunday 18 November 2018

Stout Hearts!

I have been quiet on the blogging front recently for many reasons, one of them is the ongoing design work on a new solitaire game. Clue above! More details in a week or so.

I have also been pleased to see that the Valor and Victory website is back up and running. For those of you who have not been aware of this little gem, it is the equivalent of ASL but for normal people. It is free, and it is print and play. Current files include the rules, seven maps and counters for British and German forces for D-Day. 

Rather like Minden Games Retro rule set for Squad Leader which has a brilliant hesitation rule, V&V has some great rules for beaten zones and cross fire for machine guns. If you need a reason to take a look, the MG rule is well worth it.


  1. Stout Hearts sounds interesting. I have always thought it a shame that a company didn't pick up Valor & Victory.

  2. Hi Norm,

    I think V&V is excellent and it would be nice to have it in a state of the art graphical format with mounted boards. On the other hand, free is also good!

    I'm quite excited by Stout Hearts but its proving more complex to design within the sort of parameters I have. Fingers crossed!



  3. Thanks for the "Heads-Up" on this

    Best Wishes
