Free Rules and Games

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Well done BPM!

Yes indeed. I received my parcel from Butlers' Printed Models in short order (and a sturdy box!). Apologies for the rubbish picture but you can see on the left the "as is" vehicle straight out of the printer. On the right we have the very nearly cleaned up version. Just a couple of bits to file down and it is ready for painting.

These are the first printed vehicles I have purchased and I'm very pleased. Firstly because I wrote to Peter at BPM and asked for Hummers with GPK turrets and he very kindly put them on the to do list. I now have two with .50 cals and one with a grenade launcher. Secondly, they are very nice. The material is quite light but has a very tactile heft to it. A bit like resin. The print lines are very slight and the support materials very easy to detach. I am really pleased!

I did make an error though. These are 1/76 scale which is exactly what I ordered. I have noticed that I could have asked for 1/72 scale which would go with some other die cast Hummers that I have. I am not disappointed as these go really well with some 1/76 M113s that I have, just something to remember when I order some more. Pics of painted vehicles to come.  


  1. Very useful being able to request special orders. The cleaned up model looks good.

  2. Jay, the before and after pictures are very helpful, as are your comments that this is an easy material to work, because if I were just to have seen the model on the left without your references, I would have recoiled a bit at what looks like to be a lot of work to get it right. Does this stuff just cut away with a sharp knife? The final result looks good.

  3. Hi Peter,

    Yes, I was really pleased they could do it. I have also asked for British Sherman turret boxes so we'll see if they can help.

    Hi Norm,

    The best way to take it off is with small pliers, it breaks off easily. Just need a bit of trimming with clippers or knife on the hard to get at bits. I was very pleasantly surprised.

    Cheers both

