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Tuesday 24 July 2018

Steel, Steel, Steel!

I'm afraid that Norm has encouraged me to start thing about Kursk again by playing Dark July and assorted other Kursk related games. Although this is a slow burner (like most of my projects), I have been doing work on it in between doing other stuff.

So, here is a really interesting question: what was the most powerful German unit on the southern front of the Citadel offensive? May be a great big SS panzer division? Grossdeutschland division?

Well, OK. You guys are quite right. The panzer pushers' favourites are the biggest baddest units on the southern front. 

I have been working on data about units strengths and the graph above shows the state of the German forces on the southern front on 4 July. What interests me is the strength of a couple of infantry divisions: 106 and 320.

So not as strong as the big guys but not at all shabby. So why were these units so strong? These two units formed Corps Raus, part of Army Det. Kempf. They are strong because of the sheer amount of attached artillery units. All corps assets were allocated at divisional level. So things to consider in designing the game are around what these scores actually mean in terms of manouvre ability, fire effects and combat capability. 

Steel, Steel, Steel! will be a solitaire game with the players leading the German onslaught. It will be designed around the same sort of ideas as my Ramadi game (which is obviously why I have this in mind at the moment, as well as Norm's enthusiastic prompting!). More to come, especially around the source of the numbers and how they will be developed into a realistic game.


  1. Jay an interesting post, the subject has such a natural draw to the gamer / historian instinct. I am just reading Lloyd Clark's Kursk and the Luftwaffe dive bombing sorties also seems an essential ingredient to the question of application of offensive power. The Soviet failure to neutralise German air power pre 5th July, to the degree necessary, does seem to directly influence initial (costly) success.

  2. Hi Norm,

    Yes, the air war element will be key. I haven't even started on that yet! I know there are some great books on the air element. Also, maybe a cunning excuse to buy an HS129 or some more Stukas!


