Free Rules and Games

Sunday 9 July 2017

I have returned.....

not that I've been anywhere of course!

After a blistering few weeks of work I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. Not easy when my thought processes generally resemble a plate of spaghetti!

What's new?

Now, I like a bit of Firestorm and it's great to see the Team Yankee folks starting up a Cold War version. Fulda Gap here I come!

What's next?

My first task is to complete a longstanding development project which has unfortunately lapsed over the last few weeks. Once this is done and dusted my list is:

  • Ground Zero: Modern squad combat - my latest attempt to finish Desert Eagle.
  • Ground Zero: Modern platoon combat - I have recently become very interested in the Lock n Load Nations at War and World at War system. As I have said before, I'm also very interested in the Tiny Battles Platoon Command game system. First thoughts are to adapt these ideas for the Turkish assault at al-Bab, Syria, in December 2016. 
  • Arras, 1940 - Time to finish the scenario map (it is nearly done!).
  • 5Core Sandbox: Also time to play with some toy soldiers using this squad patrol campaign game system from Nordic Weasel. 
  • Pikeman's Lament: Finally, I'm doing something with the rules as written. However, I have come across this chap (Roll a One) using 6mm figures to play GNW games. Very nice! Even I could paint up enough little chaps to do this!


  1. VERY interested in the Platoon level version of Ground Zero!!!

  2. I've been super curious about Pikemans Lament, particularly the campaign bits, so I'll be eager to read if you do anything with that.

  3. Hi Jay, thanks for the heads up on the Firestorm game. I have 2 games in the series, and we got quite a lot of play out of them. I am going to be looking at Nations at War, with particular interest in the new east front module, which has been along time promised. I am guessing they should be in the UK in around 5 weeks time.

    That chaps 6mm gaming board is amazing and the ultimate space saver!

  4. Came across this post and thought it would interest you.

    LINK -

  5. Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your comments and your interest. It's nice to hear from you. I have my mojo back so expect to hear some more about the topics in this post soon.

    Thanks for the link Norm, getting a travel game in a pencil case is a real achievement!


