Free Rules and Games

Saturday 25 February 2017


game launched!

The Poltava game that I helped playtest was designed as a freebie for the Swedish Army Museum's exhibition of wargaming that runs through to January next year. The event has now launched and there is a very nice review of the exhibition on the Dalauppror blog. No feedback on the game yet but it will be interesting to see what people think of it.

There was an interesting comments from Kaptain Kobold on my earlier post about how much scripting was required for the Poltava game. Poltava is a complex battle. I thought that the postcard game dealt very well with the phases of the battle. The following picture illustrates the objectives that the swedes need to hit before they can win.

It works really well and is a great illustration of how wargames can provide a platform for learning about history. It is also challenging and fun!

I hope that the game is successful and that Steve Kling takes the system forward to further battles. He has mentioned Yorktown and I think that a full set of AWI battles would be a nice idea.

By the way, I have come to think that if I wasn't English (whatever that might mean) then being Swedish would be my next option!


  1. Jay, what a fab exhibition and some wonderful exposure of wargaming to the general public. Is that game really post card sized, like the ones that come with some boardgames?

    I can understand the comment about scripting, many years ago I tinkered with a Poltava design and an effort is needed to keep it both feeling right and fun.

  2. Hi Norm,

    Yes, it looks great. I wish I was going to be in Stockholm this year. You are right that it is not really postcard sized. The map is A4 and the rules fit on one side of A4 so it qualifies as very small.

    I spent a lot of time contemplating the scripting. It reminded me of a sort of phase line requirement and could be used to great effect in a WW1 or WW2 game.


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