Free Rules and Games

Monday 19 December 2016

Thinking aloud.....

where to next?

I'm not quite ready for an annual round up, not exactly ready for Christmas either! Before I lose my train of thought during the festive period, and pending more thinking about plans for next year, here are some current things on my mind.

1. Toy soldier stuff

Dale, of Dale's Wargames Blog, has been playing Tin Soldiers in Action. A very toy soldier like game using a grid. In Dale's initial test he has been using these delightful wooden soldiers. All I can say is, very nice!

I'm not so sure about the rules though, a little complicated and pricey. Bob Cordery's blog gives a useful overview.    

2. Tabletop Wargames

This is the book by John Lambshead and Rick Priestley. I mentioned these in slightly disparaging terms earlier this year. I have been spending some time rereading this book. It is quite useful but its focus is solidly on how to produce a game like Bolt Action. I came across this review recently on The Raft with which I wholeheartedly agree. It does a good job of expressing my own unease (not sure that is the right word) about the approach set out in the book. 

3. Norm's Christmas Message

I can't remember the last time I watched Q do her thing on Christmas day. I do however eagerly await Norm's Christmas morning blog and another is promised for this year. Great, really looking forward to that.

4. Point to point

I have been applying my mind to the Mosul game and hope to do some more on it over the holidays. I have been revisiting my Ramadi game and pondering whether point to point might be a better way of representing ground combat in and around cities. I have now come across Khe San '68 from Decision Games. A solitaire point to point game which is card assisted for the active US player and with cards driving the AI for the Viet Cong. It seems to have some real tactical nuance possibilities. The BGG entry is really interesting. Perhaps a little New Year treat!

5. AK47, the original and best!

After finding AK47 Reloaded a little tricky to grasp (I'm getting old!) I have been reading the original rules and the supplement with the Lebanon rules. I still think these are great. Is there a possibility of joining these up with FiveCore? More pondering ahead.


  1. Thanks Jay. Hope you have continued to recover and that you get some quality gaming in over the holiday season. regards Norm.

  2. Thanks for the mention. The rules for Tin Soldiers in Action are not complex at all. I played my last game (over Skype, article on the blog soon!) without any reference to the rule book, save helping the author (my opponent) with some wording. Unfortunately the translator was not a gamer, so it needs some tweaks here and there.

    I was sort of disappointed that Rob never went back and finished his review on the rules.

    I really enjoy the rules and am working with the author on his Guilford Courthouse scenario. From what I understand there is a group in Hesse, Germany that really likes the American Revolution and this battle has stymied them. Look for that in the future too!

  3. Thanks guys. I'll need to keep an eye on TSiA, and the Guilford Courthouse scenario, the rules certainly look good and I can't say no to anything with grids!


