Free Rules and Games

Wednesday 14 September 2016


here come the bad guys!

An ISIS fighter with a competency issue

Having survived the back to school period, things return somewhat to normal. My priority is to finish up the Desert Eagle draft and get in some full game tests. I've been doing a lot of thinking about ISIS and have just completed the first draft of the background to an ISIS army list. This is now on the Desert Eagle page. The detailed ratings will follow shortly.

I have also been tempted by a few different things.....

The Men Who Would Be Kings: Yes, I've now got this and its great. It will not cause me to change my direction on DE but I can see other possibilities with it. It is cleaner and more simple than Dragon Rampant so it doesn't hurt my brain. Also, I've got loads of Hat colonials, so who knows what's next!

Tabletop Wargames: A Designers' and Writers' Guide: By Rick Priestley and John Lambshead. On the one hand its seems to be designer's notes for Bolt Action (and you know what happened when I read those rules!) and, on the other, a combination of Fowler's Modern English Usage and Usage and Abusage by Eric Partridge. The only thing I have found useful about this book so far is that it recommends that original historical research should be left to others since you can waste loads of time on it. Sorry, its a first impression, I'm sure a second reading will improve it. I may have missed a semicolon here!

Sandbox: I love the idea of this, especially for $2.99. Something for the weekend I think.


  1. Have ordered the '...would be kings' rules myself, so await with interest. I have some foreign legion and indian wars figures that would suit, and will be interesting to see what you do with it in light of your work so far for DE.

  2. Hi Duc,

    Guess what, my first thought on reading TMWWBK was ponder whether I could use Hat Colonial Brits against WW1 Germans in a fictional pre-WW1 invasion of Britain game (Battle for Dorking anyone?). The going to ground rule might be useful to describe skirmishers!

    Just dreaming, first things first, finish Desert Eagle and do some play testing!


