Free Rules and Games

Saturday 2 July 2016


the final stages

Popular Mobilisation units in action north of Baghdad May 28, 2015.
I have just put the finishing touches to the outstanding components of the Battle for Ramadi game. This includes the really important operations board (without which the game can't be played!), VP and casualty tracks and track markers. You can find them here

The critical target of the Ramadi operation
My next adventure will be the Battle of Fallujah (Op. Breaking Terrorism). I have previously said that, unlike Ramadi, there seemed to be little information about the action. Having reviewed various sources I'm now fairly certain that there is enough material to develop a follow-up to the Ramadi game. It may end up a little different as the operational circumstances are different and there are significantly greater forces engaged.

However, I have a couple of jobs to do first. With Ramadi I plan to play test a full game and record it in photos for this blog. This may take a little while to do but will be important as it will "fix" the rules in place before I look at Fallujah. The other thing I have in mind following reviewing a lot of footage of the current fighting is a further Lion Rampant version dealing with modern small unit/asymmetrical warfare. It might be quite good!


  1. Am I right in thinking that you're adapting Lion Rampant to modern warfare?

  2. Hi Conrad, Yes, that's about the size of it. There was a half hearted discussion on Dan Mersey's website about this possibility some while ago but it didn't go anywhere. When you think about the numbers of models involved (6 and 12) then its not far to go to 4 (for a special forces fire team) to 8, say, for a PMF militia squad. My thinking so far is to look at slightly different characteristics. One thing I might try to include is the different behaviours of units when they take casualties. Western regular forces tend to have a no man left behind approach which drives their behaviours. Militia units might just run away whereas special forces teams might keep on task. I'm not sure if it will work but it scratches an itch!


