Free Rules and Games

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Song of...

Bullets and Bombs!

Have Firefly...will travel!

I'm a real fan of simple systems. The "Song of..." series of rules from Ganesha Games was very attractive, especially the Song of Drums and Shakos, featuring as they do specific rules for Wurttemburgers!

Ganesha brought out Flying Lead, a version for modern warfare, with a really interesting adaptation for Afghanistan called "Hearts and Minds". As far as I know, they have not produced a WW2 source book. This was one of my projects before I got caught up with the FiveCore view of the world. As a minor diversion over the bank holiday I have finally written up my notes on using "Song of..." for WW2. And here it is in all of its unfinished glory.

This uses hexes (no surprise there then!) and the Neil Thomas One-Hour Wargames scenarios (another nil surprise!). 

What I found really interesting is that the system is very very amenable to tweaking. Also, I have had a great idea for theming the Neil Thomas army lists which I'm still working on. Perhaps tomorrow!

And if that wasn't enough, Bob Cordery has come up with a great hex grid Napoleonic game. Check it out on his blog here.


  1. Now look what you've done - you reminded me that I have been meaning to check out "Song of Drums & Shakos" for a while, so I've ordered a copy. I'm assuming that any subsequent investment in singly-based figures will be small and manageable - if this is not the case, I'll be back in touch...

    Always a pleasure and an inspiration to read what you are working on - thanks!

  2. Hi Tony. Yes, and its brilliant! Have a go. The commitment is minimal. I have a brilliant resource to share if I can only remember where it is...I'll have a look.

    Thanks for the encouragement, it is much appreciated.



  3. Was there a rough ides of what a unit represented in your rules? - not that I usually bother about such things! Just thinking about it from the scenario generation angle. I di like the Ganesha activation system and have used it for ACW naval battles.



  4. Hi Simon,

    In my own mind I see the units in these games as platoon level.This gives a good feel to the game and looks about right as well.

    I like the idea of using the activation system for ACW naval battles. I'll have to give that some thought!


