Free Rules and Games

Sunday 20 March 2016

Ambassador, you are spoiling us....

or you must need the box for something!

A slight bit of R&R today with just enough time to catch up with my Zvezda backlog. Well, not all of it but at least the vehicular element.

Spot the new guys.......

Nice new Matilda I and II by Zvezda to join my A&A Miniatures Matilda II. Quite a good match. Arras era heavy tank platoon.

Another A13 for the  cruiser tank platoon. Again, for Arras. A Crusader hiding at the back and pretending to be a cruiser.

A good job I got some Ferrero Rocher for my other half at Xmas. Especially since I have also acquired 2 KV1, 1 KV2 and a new Tiger I. All of these for my Plan B rules.

Tank park nicely installed. 

Hey, there's room for more. Quick, pass the credit card!

Personal self-satisfaction announcement 

Well, I don't make many of these so I must be due one about now! This weekend, after a year of on-off staggering around the countryside trying to get fit I have passed a personal milestone. I have successfully run two 5ks, one yesterday and one today. Due to a major bit of uncertainty about plans I did not manage to do the Sport Relief 3 mile run today, although I had assumed I would not be ready for it just yet.

The satisfaction lies in the fact that I am nearing 58, have had a serious back operation and developed diabetes type 2. I'll now celebrate with four pints of Stella and a nice curry. The best thing is that I enjoyed both runs, I had got my pace right, breathing spot on and my brain in the right sort of neutral (which doesn't happen often). I'm therefore very chuffed. Will I give up wargaming and take up sport? Not bloody likely. However, I think the exercise should be just the ticket to keep an old bastard on the road to Moscow for a good few years yet. Hurrah! 


  1. Very well done, young sir - splendid accomplishment. I used to do a lot of running, some of it competitive to a modest level, but my knees finally objected, and these days I am more of a gentle cyclist, but I still hold a firm belief on the creed, "Use It or Lose It". I have seen former sporting colleagues of mine who have drifted into obesity and incapacity simply because they thought it was sort of expected of them. Not so, I say. Anyone can be unlucky with injury or illness - it happens to people all the time - and two towering principles inspire me:

    (1) those of us who still can move around a bit should jolly well get out and celebrate the fact

    (2) whatever ill health the future may hold for us, all the fitness we develop (or have developed in the past) will be a big help in combatting it

    So trot on, Young Trousers, and bless you.

  2. Well done re the recovery plan, especially after back surgery.

    The zvezda models have a nice footprint. I had their Sd kfz 222, which seemed dinky compared to the other vehicles, but it is a nice model to get into a game.

  3. Very well done on your running achievements. I know it can take a lot of effort to get fitness levels back.

  4. Hello chaps,

    Many thanks for your kind and supportive words. My previous running experience was as a second row forward. Our coach often pointed me out as an example of how to run down the clock by very slow running. Even at my age I think I am now slightly faster than I was. Now I have got the bug I'll have to watch I don't over do it!

    By the way, the Zvezda kits of the Tiger and KV2 are smashing.


