Free Rules and Games

Thursday 24 December 2015

Free stuff.....

Well, it is Christmas after all!

In the spirit of the season here is some free stuff you might like to play with over the holidays. Actually, its not like I'm giving away my own free stuff, it is from a variety of sources. Nevertheless, fill your boots!

1. First Blood: The Guadalcanal Campaign

I have recently rediscovered this little gem on the campaign for Guadalcanal. It was originally a give away game many moons ago in an Avalon Hill magazine (AHIKS magazine, I can't remember what this stands for but I think it was to do with their player ranking system). It now has up to date graphics for map and counters and retains its simple rules. 

I have always struggled to understand the time and space issues on Guadalcanal and this looks like a very good introductory game.

You can find the materials necessary to put this game together on the Grognards website, use the "Updated Graphics" files, these appear to work well. This looks like a really nice game.

2. Arnhem

Most old wargamers will remember the SPI West Wall Quad and the Arnhem game which covered the whole of the Market-Garden Operation. Mind you, you'd have to be quite old to remember it when it first appeared. It was 1976 and I was still at school!. Blimey, I'm 57 now. What gets me about this game is that it is such a good simulation of the battles for the bridges. It also has multiple options for free deployment and weather effects so you really can do some "what if" scenario planning. 

Decision Games issued an updated version in their new folio series but, as is usual with DG, it was shagged up beyond all recognition (ShUBAR?). I have long wanted another copy of this game, mine disappeared long ago (and I had two copies as well!). Well, the rules, map and counters (including smart new ones) can be found on the Geek here. Stick it on a USB and go to your print shop and, voila, a full copy of the game. This is such a rewarding game I really recommend that you have a go if you have not played it before.

3. Battle for Arnhem

There is a print n play play-test version of a new game available on BGG. I haven't had a chance to get to grips with this yet but the comments coming in from others mean that it looks like a promising little game on Op. Market-Garden. There is a lot of praise for the rule book which is somewhat unusual and therefore worth checking out. Give it a try and, if you are in a giving mood, contribute to the BGG annual fundraiser and win some geekgold (actually its nice to have but I don't know what to spend it on!).

4. Wargame Downloads

Not as big an operation as Wargames Vault but well worth an occasional look. This offers PnP games at very reasonable prices and runs a permanent sale with some items up for $0. There are a couple at the moment, Hoke's Run and Front Royal, both ACW games and well worth picking up.

5. Wargames Vault Winter Offensive

The Vault is running its winter sale (25% off till 4 January). So not free but very cheap. I highly recommend that you take a look, especially if you have an interest in Nordic Weasel (as I do).

Its Christmas....

Well, the in-laws have arrived, the children are fighting and I'm coming down with a cold. I'm looking forward to a few days of much deserved chilling out which is exactly what will happen once I have had my presents and and cooked the lunch tomorrow. There are two final things to leave you with:
  • the first is that Norm has promised his usual Xmas posting tomorrow morning which I will very happily read just before I start on lunch and once have opened a large bottle of beer. Check Norm's posting here. Hopefully Norm's house move has gone OK and I'll have something interesting to read tomorrow;
  • the second is that I know people who are facing a very difficult Christmas through no fault of their own. My thoughts are with them and I hope they can get through it OK knowing what they face next year. Very very sad but very true and my thoughts and prayers are with them.
Hopefully I'm back up to normal posting speed after Xmas so see you then, a Merry Christmas to you one and all!


  1. All the best Jay - take care, and enter the New Year in well chilled condition!

  2. Thanks Tony, I hope you have a great time as well. All the best, Jay

  3. Thanks for these download ideas.
    A very merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Thanks, and a very Merry Christmas to you too Michael!

