Free Rules and Games

Sunday 26 July 2015

Work in progress......

Its the Vendee!

The purpose of any hobby or interest must be to transport the individual to another place and or time where they can experience a different world. I think that's why so many films and novels just don't do that for me anymore. I'm too old and have seen to much in too many different places.

However, sometimes something just grabs you by the bits and says, this is really interesting lets go! If I had the time, money and freedom I'd be off to the Vendee tomorrow. Perhaps I should already have been there.

So today, amongst other important domestic activities I have been busy planning a version of "a la Carte" for the Vendee based on the battle of Cholet in 1793. First job has been to knock up some counters. I have some great stuff from Junior General which has not required too much effort.

I have printed out some trial counters but these are a little disappointing so the following are snaps from the screen.

Henri de La Rochejacquelein perhaps?

Evil Republicans (boo)!

Revolting Catholic peasants
And here is a close up of the revolting peasants. I'm really pleased with these. They are based on Daniel Harper's United Irishmen from Junior General and require only some minor colour changes, a new hat and some sacred heart badges. Unfortunately all this lovely detail does not come through on the final counters.

Never mind, I'm sure I'll find a way of getting this onto some counters. More to come this week I hope.

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