Free Rules and Games

Thursday 2 October 2014

Here come the Dons!

New Spanish troops

I was in Rugby at the weekend and popped into Joto Hobbies, a brilliant little shop opposite the school. It looks the short of "shoppe" that you might find Harry Potter nosing around in. 

As it happens they had received a delivery of the latest HaT Spanish troops and I took advantage by purchasing one of each:

  • 8300 Light infantry
  • 8301 Grenadiers
  • 8302 Line Infantry
  • 8303 Command

  • The plastic is quite soft but the sculpting is great. Nice boxes too...

    So, that's the infantry sorted out but what about cavalry (perhaps the Hat Saxon or Prussian 1806 cavalry with the big hats?) and artillery (Prussian 1806?).

    The Spanish will go very well with my planned Bavarian, Wurttemberg and Swedish armies. Nothing like the mainstream!

    I'm also pondering a visit to Derby this weekend. Now I have my Spanish troops there is nothing on my immediate shopping list but I'm sure I'll find some inspiration there.

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