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Monday 21 October 2013

At last, some Sherman action

Rolling off the production line....slowly!

I'm afraid my plan, to mate an M4 A4 hull with an M4 A1 chassis did not pan out as intended. The additional hull length on the M4 A4 sunk me without trace. Thirty years ago I might have had a go with a razor saw but with my eye sight and history of finger accidents I decided to give it a miss. I understand that Pandas have the same problem.

Here is the finished 1/72 PSC Sherman, painted in US colours but sans decals.

I can assure you that it looks fine in daylight. The Autumn darkness and poor camera work aided by one of those Soviet era airbrush artists have spoiled the effect. However, I'm pleased and it looks good alongside the two Armourfast Shermans.

I undercoated the vehicle in khaki (FoW British Armour Italy) and wet brushed Vallejo Brown Violet. This gave a really nice colour, reminiscent of very weathered OD. The undercarriage was dry brushed with GW Sepia wash and some Vallejo smoky ink was added to the pointy bits. I'll try for some photos of the developing US team for PBI2 at the weekend (if it ever stops raining!).